Saturday, 30 June 2007

Prayer for Crusaders'

Dear God,
as i come before You, i thank You for the willing hearts of the crusaders' who hav just left for their mission trip. i pray that they will be covered by Your blood, that Your peace and protection will be with them where ever they go, that they will not feel lonely or lost. I also pray for sensitivity and wisdom that they may hear Your directions for them during the mission trips, and know what to share with the people they meet. I pray that You will guide and show them the way that Your will may be done during this mission trip. May they continue to seek Your face and trust in You no matter how difficult the circumstances.
May we(those in S'pore) continue to uphold them in prayer that Your will be done and that the evil one will not interfere with the good work You have sent Your people to do.

1 comment:

Sin Yi said...

(: amen to that! -sinyi-